SP Kids Children's Ministry
Who: Children PreK- 5th grade
What: Sunday School - Music, Bible Lesson, Games, Craft, Prayer
When: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM every Sunday
Parents are welcome to stay with child, or join one of our adult Sunday School classes.
Where: Family Life Center (FLC) Kids Wing
Special Events include Bible Sunday, Nativity Play, Palm Sunday Procession, and Vacation Bible School
*After picking up your child at 10:30 AM, all are invited to the Family Life Center for some fellowship time, including coffee and light snacks. Children may play on the playground, but parents will need to supervise.
Location/Hours: Family Life Center, 8:45 AM - 12:15 AM
Requirements: Babies 6 months - 4 years

*All of our worship services are designed for the whole family, including kids. There are worksheets/markers on the back table to help keep children entertained. If you want to pack a backpack with extra fidget toys, coloring books, games, that is fine too! Children's Time at 11:00 am allows children to come to the front for an age appropriate mini lesson every week.